Ann Lewinson


About me
My fiction has appeared in Agni, Hayden's Ferry Review, MoMA PS1's Special Projects Writers' Series and other places; my play The Adventures of Comic Weekly Man: Encounter on Lookout Mountain received a staged reading in Emerging Artists Theatre's Spring 2018 New Works Series. A 2014 fellow at the Edward F. Albee Foundation, I have also had residencies at the Millay Colony, Monson Arts, 33 Officina Creativa in Toffia, Italy; the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's Catwalk; and the Vermont Studio Center.
As a journalist and film critic, I have written for ARTnews, the Boston Phoenix, cléo, the Hartford Advocate the Kansas City Star, the Rumpus, and other publications. I have also written audio tours for the Getty, Guggenheim, Metropolitan Museum of Art and other museums.
Aaron M. Cohen
Still Life with Meredith
Behind the glass windows of a storefront-turned-apartment, an art handler at a contemporary art museum sits among dead birds awaiting the return of her roommate, an emerging artist of growing notoriety. While she waits, she ransacks her past while discoursing on Dutch still life painting, the mating habits of her species and others, and the extreme measures taken by the French psychoanalyst Marie Bonaparte to achieve sexual fulfillment...
Selected writing
Richard Artschwager, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, February 2020
Revisiting Araya, cléo, April 2019
Review of The Eyes of Orson Welles, ARTnews, March 2019
Review of Never Look Away, ARTnews, January 2019
Art in Resistance: A Conversation with Martha Rosler,
The Rumpus, December 2018
The View from the Whitney, The Independent, July 2003
The Women Behind the Camera, The Independent, March 2003
Movie reviews and more on Muck Rack
Advance reviews for
Still Life With Meredith
Bushwick Book Club presents Still Life with Meredith
May 30, 2020, 4:00 PM ET on Facebook Live.
Les Bleus Literary Salon, May 16, 2020, 6:00 PM ET on Zoom
Book Launch at Greenlight Bookstore with Rachel Cline (The Question Authority),
co-presented by the New York Writers Coalition
April 16, 2020, 7:30 PM ET on Zoom